Pokémon - And the Pokémon X Imagination Interaction... !
We just finished the article that says the representation of the end of entertainment, of the media, and how they can not be infinite ... !
That is, as the main sources of entertainment, creations, creativity, games, series, books, comics, and movies... they tend to have an end!
For they cannot be infinite!
There is the very culture of Sites, of assembling and disassembling, demonstrating that creativity is not infinite, but can be fitted into the idea of various Layouts ... !
(Something that we set up, without using creativity, tells us about the possibility of the end of it...)
That is, creativity is more like something that assembles and disassembles... and in a short moment, the creations will stop appearing, and we will be at the mercy of repetition...
I mean, the repetition of what we already like... and we love it while entertaining!
On televisions there is already a movement to return to watching Retro channels...
That is, after the end...
They arrived at the repetition...! The entertainment media, and the imagination...
But while the depictions of the little monsters, the Pokemon and other mons scattered around...
What do Pokemon have to do with this...!?
To begin with, a pocket monster - Pokémon - or that can be stored in a nuclear bola, the pokeball, gives us the impression of a representation, of the maximum possibility, of storing, assembling, creating... expecting, triggering, "invoking," and throwing out, what one needs, in terms of entertainment, of what one would like to have at any given moment...
The perception in different things... And the media, they were like the pokemon themselves, which we played in a mode of invoking entertainment... !
But Pokemon participate in order for us to understand how much creativity is put together... Likely to be modified, only up to a certain specific point...
That is, the monsters are also mountable... and indicate the limits of the imagination.,..
After all, they are compounds...
The bulbasaur is like taking a frog, a little more robust and brutal, and putting a plant, a poppy, a leaf, or whatever, on its back...!
Pikachu is a rodent, yellow, with two red spots on his face, something kind of caricature and clown, and that releases yellow rays...
That is, a new compound...!
The composition of electricity and the idea of Rodent... gathered into one pokemon... !
In turn, the Charizard represents all this even more... It's a more traditional archetype, a dragon that lets out fire... But it is similar to a slightly more animated matter, linked to the spider and the pumpkin, it is something easy to signal a plastic idea of its bodily effect... plastic, perhaps made of an artificial pumpkin, more "languous", or "undone", than all real dragons would be, with their possible scales...!
That is, it is a type of dragon more regressed, more childish, more Smile ... !
It is the most sober, and animated dragon still, of all...!
In the hierarchy, maybe it was back there, with all the other little dragons... ! Maybe it's an older cousin of the jelly-like dragons, or things like that...!
There's a whole idea of imagination, recurring!
Garchomp already looks like an example of something that transforms, and doesn't even know where it's going... maybe that's why you split your head back, as if looking for where to go...!?
There's another one connected there's a rice cake... I don't study Japanese that deeply... but representatively speaking, for myself, I would like to call him "Harí" or "Hirí" - you will know the meaning of these nomenclatures - just by studying - but in Pokemon, he is called Eldeggos...
It looks like a cone, from a tree, with a rice cake on its back...
Damn, is it if you eat!? -
Be that as it may, they are a direct part of the composed, imaginary world of our thinking, imagining...
Designing new things...
Belonging to our collective psychology!
Each of these creatures possesses a reflective, comprehensive, and psychological, representative, meaningful, and symbolic analysis... Specific!
But they participate, and they have appeared to us, from Japan, like other works, from the USA, directly into our socio-history...
That is, they participated, and are inserted in our history... !
This movement of thought is much greater than we imagine... but it is also not infinite, as we said...!That is - the little monsters are like objective things!
Units that are without hesitation, exactly what you see... and always, it will be possible to be seen in this way...!
It is a scheme of creativity, organization of ideas, collective, and irreversible ... !
They are not infinite, but it is as if they were eternal... !
It must be said, then, to the scholar of psychology, that they are organized, alike, eternal, as archetypes..!
We can look more at the history of thought... in the current strands of philosophical thought...
We have already had two socio-historical movements of perception, of things, in recent times...
The last decades of humanity are full, full of these concepts... !
In the first, we talk about the philosophy of things... the second speaks of the philosophy of production, and of the objects of the planet, as a means of capital...!
One speaks of things themselves, another of the "value" of things...!
This value, of course, can be symbolic, sign value... and so on....!
But already, when we are faced with monsters, like a Kinder Egg, that can transform, change, and mount themselves right before our eyes, we are facing something that seems to be at the limit of the imagination...
Or in part, also at the edge of the market...!?
Have you thought about this!?
After all, from there, from a certain point in history,
everything will return to being repetitive, as we talked about ... !
It will always be more of the same...
But repeating things we liked...!
But the franchise seems to participate so closely in this movement, that it goes even further...!
Collectively, Pokemon Go, prepares our collective unconscious to withstand this thud of the limits of these two realities, the imagined, and the physical, real... after all, the imagined can also be real, and this is its great propaganda...!
The imaginary, in this way, is found in the maps... !
Reminiscing about post-pokemon go releases
Pokémon Sleep, represents well, this idea that its dimensions go hand in hand...
After all, we'd even be sleeping with the pokemon already!
Something as if always, the imagination, this other reality, was already on our side all the time!
That is, we would be sleeping with extra imaginary resources... ! Of the imagination!
But this serves as a scope, an escape, for the fact that the imagination, too, is at its end... or at its limit...!
We have already found her and walked hand in hand with her...!
It remains to invade these possibilities, as much as one wants... and enjoy...
How in fact, sleeping with Pokemon...!
It has to be said that this is very cute...