Media Theory. Television and Entertainment Market - for an eminent end of imagination and creativity !
The brands of televisions must be amazed - of course the stremings are with everything - but appear, or reappear, simple channels, with old programming - or even, with totally new programming ... but that seems "past", "ancient", "already seen"...
And people are enjoying it...!
Open channels - or "old channels", from the most advanced televisions, is complementing the purchase of the cable option...
And the possibility of the entertainment market is also seen in the face of something potentially irreversible ... !
The simplicity, which returns, and is accepted, with ease...!
I do not have the data in my hands, but everyone has felt that the "streams released from technological' free-to-air TV", has a "Pinta" - somewhat vintage in its aspects, and also in its final charm ... !
There's a competition around this... due to the adhesion ...
That is to say - for in fact - have really fallen into the taste of the people ... !
Would entertainment media be at their limits...
Because so many channels started popping up... and reappear... With this new kind of charming ability, of just not being the biggest release...
And so often working with repetition... simple, of old elements... already consumed... but that they repeat, 'in front of us...!?
And why are we liking them...?
Is it the scope of the threshold, of what entertainment, and television, could reach...!?
But a kind of reinvention for repetition... and not for new releases, in the line of entertainment...!?
This makes a lot of sense with the theories we've been presenting here...!
On the limits of the imaginary, and of the imagination... already being, or having reached, their possible maximum peak!
Let's understand what happens, from the point of view of the collective psychology of the imagination!
An example of this is that our time corresponds to Nerd-Geek invasion on a grand scale.
But the Nerd-Geek invasion, which should be a final call to the imagination, its possibilities, ends up entangling, going the idea of "something without end", correspondingly, to the end, right there in front!
This is because, since always, the maximum influence of the Nerd-Geek culture, the RPG, already spoke of RPGs, of the remote possibilities of the imagination, but always with numbers, perfect boundaries, always with a final finish!
Television media goes through the same problem.
The problem of the end!?
After all, how far could entertainment television media go... Is there also a remote limit, or is it unlimited, infinite?
We could never conceive of media as unlimited, or would it be linked to the idea of infinity...
If it is connected with infinity, perhaps it would be in the infinitude of the unconscious itself, and in the idea of infinity that it pervades, such as the ideas of waves, of retrosystems, etc. ...
But it, in itself, is not unlimited, nor infinite...!
Let's see above, a woman looks at a hill... The tendency is for this hill to pass on to the next generations thousands, millions, trillions of times... For objectively, perceptively, if we take the hill away, nothing else will be there...
And if it's to see anything... I can just try to close my eyes...!
But for something to appear... it has to be objective...!
And objective things, have form, unity, lapse of end...!Or they wouldn't be visible units...!
There is indeed in the collective unconscious, the undulating belief that television images are infinite... But here, we would already be entering into the idea of the philosophy of entertainment, and of the media, something amenable to reflection, due to its final significance...
This version is linked to repeating waves, not in itself, the infinity of the probability, or possibility, of the creations...!
But on television, in the objective day-to-day, nothing could really be infinite!?
Possibly not, after all, everything that is so great and continuous, cannot fit into perception, cannot be caught or tangible by our hands...
Soon, the media, the entertainment, as well as the waves Nerds-Geeks apologized, in what we said back there, as in an RPG where everything is calculable and finite numbers, it will also be finite ... !
That is, imagination, and creativity, will be finite...!
If it is finite, it must come to an end... one finale...!
If it has an ending, but can be enjoyed at another time... it will become, repetitive... which can encompass both the positive and the negative aspect of this... the repetition...
But in this direction, how we love these media, and these entertainments at all costs... we bear the price of its finitude, and enter into repetition...
a certain air of nostalgism, the great works" or "a certain air of vintage classicism", necessarily enters our screens in this way...
This movement is something latent in the idea of the new open channels, offered by the brands..."
The exact nomenclature for this would have to be "vintalism", after all, the "isms", have always represented well this chronificatio, this chronification, of things, which become repetitive, which return with a given contribution of repetition, and of vice even...
We always wondered if we weren't, after all, addicted to media and entertainment...!
This could even happen... in neuronal terms perhaps...
However, we are facing the faculty of the limit of things, and how much we wanted, and would like, for it to be repeated... so that we can enjoy, always the same, entertainments, again...
In other archives of this channel-site- we find the idea of the limit of the archetype of the imagination... and that perhaps, we are in this bond...
We affirm, that in the face of such hesitation of the imagination, and of entertainment, at its peak, at its maximum, it gives way to return... This time yes, solid, and infinite.. there is everything that was already created, was already accomplished...
Which may indicate, a curve of decline, including final, the ideas of releases... that are becoming more composed than already exists... the formula of the same mass, with other molds... or that they simply give up appearing in new formats, because we already had that for a long time, in entertainment, the maximum, or all the time...
No wonder, the phenomenon of Vintage invades our most modern electronic devices...
LG, and Sansung, in close proximity to the channels that provide open content, already have an air of this smoke, or this mormaço, vintage...
The open channels available, are at their limit, at their maximum...!
And the great releases give opening, to great returns, the media seventies, nineteenth century, nineteenth century, and others...
And the LG Devices, Sansung, and others, give opening to channels already given as vintage, nostalgic, or classist... and even gets a lot of hesitation with these channels, which are approximately, increasingly, being watched... as an option the recreations of the cable channels... !
But the recreations of cable channels will also become repetitive... In this way we will find the reason why entertainment media are not in fact infinite, or limited!
That is, – we're talking about a line – the end of entertainment!
Clearly influencing the market, and its predictability capabilities!